Project Introduction:

We have built a Decentralised Autonomous Platform for Real estate investment that is KYC & AML compliant. This platform connects real estate developers and a large pool of investors that will be confident investing in a real estate project regardless of where the project is located through the help of a local real estate expert that will be able to convince them in a transparent manner.

Project Inspiration:

Real estate projects are usually capital intensive. Hence, anyone who wishes to embark on them must be financially credible. This creates a gap for young people like us who may not be patient enough to invest in our first property until we are financially credible to embark on such a project.

Challenges faced in the devlopment and how they were overcamed:

Making the project fully web3 compatible, however, we overcame this problem by hosting the project in an IPFS server via filecoin.

Woking with the ether currency while deploying the dao-realtor project to the polygon chain which uses matics . However, we were able to over this challenge through extensive research or consultation from experienced web3 developers.

Future Plans after the Hackathon:

Yes, the team has agreed to continue adding new features and reviewing the business model(incentive structure) of the dao-realtor app after the web3con hackathon.

Meet the Team


Avrahm Kleinholz
GitHub @avrahm
Developer Dao #4047


Olaboye David Tobi
GitHub @dtobi59


Clement James Jnr
GitHub @jaymesCJ

Copyright © 2022 DAO-Realtor